NOTE: AlphaSense Generative Grid is currently available to Enterprise Intelligence clients through our limited private beta. If you have any questions or would like to inquire further, please reach out to your Account Manager.
What is Generative Grid?
Generative Grid enables you to ask multiple natural-language questions across numerous different documents all at once, in a table format.
It works on BOTH your own proprietary content, as well as on the AlphaSense library of 300M+ documents like filings, call transcripts, expert interviews, news, and regulatory content.
Use Generative Grid to:
Track the same topics over multiple quarters of earnings releases
Track management comments on certain topics over time
Summarize multiple expert interviews on a topic
Extract KPIs across a peer set
Summarize key info in private deal documents
Summarize reports from/about portfolio companies
Parse clinical trials, ESG reports, and macroeconomic releases
Accessing Generative Grid
To access Generative Grid, click on the icon in your left sidebar. From the Generative Grid home screen, you can:
Add a custom template from scratch
Use a pre-made template such as “Industry Read-Through” or “Earnings Analysis” and then populate the companies you’d like included
Access previously created Grids.
Adding Documents to a Grid
Documents are added as rows to a table, where each prompt will apply to the document and be filled in as columns. There are multiple ways to add documents to a Generative Grid table.
When viewing a Grid, click “Add Documents” in the top-left corner of the grid (1). You can add documents from AlphaSense by choosing a Ticker, Watchlist, Industry or Saved Search (2); then choosing which document source to search for. In the list of documents, click on a document to add it into your Grid (3).
You can also upload files directly from your device by clicking “File Upload” in the Add Documents window left hand menu (2).
When viewing a Grid, simply drag and drop a file from your device into the Grid window, and it will be added as a row to the table.
When viewing a document in AlphaSense, click the “Generative Grid” button above the Doc Viewer, then send the document to an existing Grid or add a new one.
Adding/Editing Prompts (Questions) in Generative Grid
Each column in a Generative Grid is a generative AI prompt, with the prompt at the top of the column.
To add a new prompt, click “Add” in the right-most column header, then give the prompt (column) a name, select if you’d prefer the output to be text or numerical, then add a natural language prompt. This new prompt will automatically apply to each document (row) in the table.
Some prompt examples can be:
What were the comparable store sales for the quarter?
What are the concerns mentioned in this document?
What is the guidance mentioned in this document?
Which geographies were mentioned as weak?
What did management say about macro effects?
What are they saying about pricing?
What is the executive compensation mentioned?
To edit a prompt, select the column header and the prompt editor will appear. Make your edits and then click “Apply.” The new prompt will apply to each document in the table (1).
You can also specify the output format, such as "What is the data of the document? Only answer in MM/DD/YYYY format."
To delete a prompt, click the column header, then click “Delete Prompt” in the upper left corner (2).
Note: During our initial beta testing period, each Grid is allowed a maximum of 10 prompts and 100 documents.
Responses & Citations
Generative Grid will structure its response to your prompts as a short-form summarization, providing a simple answer with the relevant text or KPI.
Each summary will provide a direct citation to the source material it was summarized from. Click on the answer cell, then click “View Citation” to view the source snippet(s) within the document from which it was pulled (1).
Check out our best practices around Prompt Engineering to learn more about building queries that will supply the answers you need in the most useful format.
Share Responses from Generative Grid
Easily share responses wherever you need them!
Download the entire table as a CSV file by clicking “Download CSV” in the top-right corner
Or, for sharing single responses (cells), you can highlight and copy the text, or click “View Citation” to view the snippet in the source document(1), where you can add to a Note with AlphaSense, copy to clipboard, or share a link (2).
How does Generative Grid work?
How does Generative Grid work?
Gen Grid uses a number of natural-language process and machine learning techniques to interpret questions, retrieving all relevant information from a document, and reason over the data to analyze/summarize findings.
It retrieves snippets for a query from the document (rows in the table) relevant to your search. These snippets are then used by our large language model to generate an answer, with the query (columns in the table) applying to each document.
Generative Grid didn't produce an answer in a table cell - what does that mean?
Generative Grid didn't produce an answer in a table cell - what does that mean?
Gen Grid will tell you when it doesn't have an answer: Rather than hallucinate an answer, it will let you know when it cannot find any relevant content within that document to generate an answer. If your question is not producing responses, you might try reformatting your question or adding a new document.
It could be that there is no/not enough content around the topic you're searching for, which you can verify through the classic AlphaSense search experience.
What content in AlphaSense can Generative Grid use to reason over?
What content in AlphaSense can Generative Grid use to reason over?
Gen Grid can source its answers from documents within your AlphaSense library, including company documents, expert call transcripts, news, and regulatory documents. It can also source answers from internal content uploaded to AlphaSense, whether through synced platforms (Integrations), uploaded/emailed-in ((My Workspace), or uploaded directly to Gen Grid from your device.
Are there any limits to the number of documents (rows) and/or prompts (columns) I can use with Gen Grid?
Are there any limits to the number of documents (rows) and/or prompts (columns) I can use with Gen Grid?
Currently within a grid, you are limited to 100 documents (rows) and 10 prompts (columns).