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Metadata Formula

Learn how to use and build a Metadata Formula

Mark Jones avatar
Written by Mark Jones
Updated over 3 months ago

The Metadata formula can be used to access a variety of supporting data about companies and data such as company name, period start/end dates, and the row description used for a metric in the Tegus Model. The required arguments for this formula vary depending on the data available. There are four categories of metadata available:

  • Company Metadata - e.g. company name

  • Period Metadata - e.g. number of days in period

  • Metric Metadata - e.g. row description in model

  • Consensus Metadata - e.g. number of brokers providing an estimate

You can use the Formula Builder to build a Metadata formula. Select the Metadata formula using the toggle at the top of the screen and follow the instructions. More details for how to use the Formula Builder can be found in the Formula Builder article.

=TEGUS.MD(Ticker, Metadata Type, [Period]*, [Row Name/Consensus ID]*)

* Required for certain metadata types

Ticker (Company)

Identify the company in a Tegus Formula using a ticker assigned to the company. Please use the Tegus Ticker Format when adding a ticker to a Tegus Formula. If you are unsure of the format, the company look-up in the Formula Builder provides a search feature that can be a helpful resource to find the ticker and confirm the company is in coverage.

Tegus Ticker Format: {Ticker Symbol}_{2-Letter Country Code}

Metadata Code

The Metadata Code defines the type of metadata you are looking to access with Tegus Formulas. For certain Metadata Codes this is the only other required argument aside from ticker. See the table below for a full breakdown.


The period is only required for certain types of metadata, see the table above for a breakdown.

You can use company-reported, relative, and calendar period formats in your Tegus Formulas. The Formula Builder can help you understand the available periods and make sure formatting is correct. If accessing Most Recent Quarter/Half-Year/Fiscal Year metadata, make sure that your period is in the relative period format.

Row Name/Consensus Metric ID

The last argument is only required for certain Metadata Types and is used to define the Metric you are looking for information about. See the table in the Metadata Code section to understand where it is required

  • If you are looking for the row description a metric has in the Tegus Model, use the row name used to access that data in this argument.

  • If you are looking for information about a consensus metric, use the Consensus Metric ID used to access that data in this argument.

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