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Audit Sources Overview

Learn about the Audit Sources tool and the data you can access

Mark Jones avatar
Written by Mark Jones
Updated over a month ago

Use the Audit Sources tool to review the specific location in the filings that a value in a Canalyst Model was sourced from. To see the source of a value in the model, select the cell you would like to review and click the Audit Sources button in your Canalyst ribbon. This will open up a BamSEC window showing the value highlighted in the filing. You can also review the source by right-clicking on a cell in the Canalyst Model and selecting Review Data Source.

You can copy a link to view the value in the filings to include in your reports and other document. It will open your browser to the value highlighted in the filing when clicked.

Data Availability

Not all eligible cells in a Canalyst model have source data available for them yet. To review which data have source links available, click the Audit Sources button in the ribbon. All cells that are highlighted in yellow will have source data available for them. The highlights are temporary and will clear from your workbook after you close the Audit Sources menu.

Sources are only available for the following data right now:

  • US Companies. Companies from outside the US are not compatible with Audit Sources. Companies that do not file with the SEC are not compatible with Audit Sources.

  • Data that is sourced from 10Q, 10K, and 8-K SEC filings as well as some earnings call transcripts. Calculated datapoints that are not directly reported as well as data sourced from investor presentations and similar supplemental documents do not have source links available yet.

  • Data from 2022 to present. Source links from prior to this time are not available for most companies yet.

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