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Data Bridge Overview

Learn how to best leverage Data Bridge to update models

Mark Jones avatar
Written by Mark Jones
Updated over a year ago

Note: The Data Bridge tool is only available to Tegus Clients at this time.

About Data Bridge

Use the Data Bridge tool to perform earnings updates on models that you’ve created yourself. The Data Bridge can be a useful tool if you have models from before your time with Tegus or prefer to build out your own.

The Data Bridge updates the periods you choose with the actuals reported by the company. It works by matching the historical values and row descriptions in your workbook to data Tegus has stored for that company. Formulas, such as sum lines or growth rates, are copied forward to the update period based on the way they are formatted and structured in the same period a year back.

The Data Bridge is designed for models that are not Tegus Models. If you wish to update a Tegus Model workbook, please use the Updater tool instead.

You must activate Tegus Formulas to run the Data Bridge.

Formatting Your Model for the Data Bridge

The Data Bridge is designed to read and update a variety of model formats. While it is able to handle many model formats, there are certain best practices that you can follow to make sure your model updates go smoothly. Please make sure that all worksheets in your model that you wish to update reflect the following recommendations to the extent possible.


Your model must be of a company in Tegus Model coverage. If the company you have modeled is not in Tegus Model coverage, you will not be able to update it with the Data Bridge.

Metric Descriptions

Metric descriptions that label rows of data in your model play a key role in matching the data in your model to data in the Tegus database.

  • Row descriptions must be in a single column. The Data Bridge is only able to look for row descriptions in a single column. If the descriptions are in a different column, they will be ignored and it will be unlikely that the Data Bridge will update that row of data.

  • Row descriptions should resemble the Tegus Model/company filings. Row descriptions in Tegus Models are generally based on the filings. Making your row descriptions as similar as possible to the row description in the Tegus Model increases the likelihood of updating that row.

Data Accuracy

If your historical values differ from the Tegus Model’s for that company, the Data Bridge will have a tough time matching that data. Ensure that your data matches the restatement status and you avoid rounding data where possible.

Eligible Periods

  • Only company-reported periods that are in the underlying Tegus Model can be updated by the Data Bridge. Do not use calendar periods or period denominations that are not reported by the company.

  • Periods must be historical in the underlying Tegus Model to update them. You must wait for the Tegus Model for that company to be updated for a period before updating your own model for that period.

Period Formatting

  • Each period should be completely defined with period denomination, period number and year in a single cell.

    • e.g. The Data Bridge will not be able to read your model if you add the period denomination (Q, H, FY) to one row and the year to the row above it.

  • Make sure that you have at least 1 year of historical data from comparable periods.

    • e.g. When updating Q4-2023 in your model, it must have a historical column for Q4-2022 and all periods between with data backfilled.

If you are unsure of a compatible period format, use the same period format that is used in Tegus Models. e.g. Q1-2024, H1-2024, FY2024

Formulas Containing Values

Formulas that contain values hardcoded into them are difficult for the Data Bridge to handle. Instead of adding a value into the Formula, separate it into its own row as a value and make a cell reference to that row.

  • e.g. a formula like =D10+123 would be better formatted as =D10+D11 where 123 is placed into cell D11.

Running the Data Bridge

  1. Open your model workbook in Excel and select the “Update Model Data” option

    1. This model must be a model that you have created yourself and not a Tegus model. Once you have opened the workbook find the Update Model Data button in the Tegus tab in your Excel ribbon.

  2. Fill in the Data Bridge menu inputs

    1. The Data Bridge menu will open and require you to fill in a series of inputs. Many times the inputs will be guessed by the tool but it may not always be able to guess them or it may guess them inaccurately. Please fill them in and/or make sure they are filled in as follows:

      1. Company: Search for the company your model represents. Only companies in the Tegus Model Database are compatible. You can only update a single company model and workbook at once.

      2. Periods to Update: Select the entire range of periods you would like to update. The periods you select can vary by worksheet. Not all periods within the range of periods you select need to be present in your model but they should be within the range you select. You will assign the exact periods you want to update in the model placement step.

      3. Sheets to Update: By default, the sheet you have open in Excel will be selected. If there are other worksheets within the workbook that you would like to update at the same time, please select them as part of this step. Worksheets that you do not update will not be removed from the workbook and do not need to be selected.

      4. Model Placement: Model Placement should be filled in for each worksheet you would like to update. If you are updating more than one worksheet, any new worksheets added during the prior step will require you to manually fill out the inputs. Type or click on the column or row number for each model placement step as follows

        1. Period Row: This row contains the period header for each column on the worksheet. It must be the company-reported fiscal period.

          To guarantee compatibility, use the Tegus Model Period Format in your model: e.g. Q1-2024, FY2024

        2. Column with Metric Names: This column contains the metric description for each row. The Data Bridge uses these descriptions to help it match your data to the Tegus database.

        3. Period Columns: For each period you wish to update, please add the column letter(s) in the input box. If the period does not exist on your worksheet, leave the input box blank for that period.

  3. Update your model with Tegus Formulas or values

    1. You can update your model with data from a new period using either Tegus Formulas or values by selecting the checkbox at the bottom of the form.

  4. Click Update Model

    1. This will start the update process. Please wait for up to a minute for your update to complete.

  5. Review your model

    1. Reviewing the update is an important step to make sure your update is complete and your model is working as expected. The Data Bridge may not be able to update every cell or there may be new information from the recent report to include in your model.

    2. Highlights are applied to cells that could not be updated by the Data Bridge in the update period(s). Please review each of these cells after running.

      1. Yellow highlights signal cells that it could not match in the Tegus database. It was likely unable to find a match for the data because it does not exist in the Tegus database, the row description varies too much from the Tegus Model for that company, or the data it tried to match is different from that of the Tegus model.

      2. Orange highlights signal formulas the Data Bridge could not copy forward. Some more complex formulas, like those that refer to other worksheets, must be copied forward manually after the update is complete.

    3. The Data Bridge updates the rows of data that exist in your model but does not add new rows of data that may have been reported since you last updated. Please make sure that your model still balances after completing the update.

      1. For example, if a company has reported a new row in the balance sheet or new revenue segments, you must add this data to your model manually.

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