Upload Documents

Bulk upload your documents and make them searchable

Mark Jones avatar
Written by Mark Jones
Updated over a week ago

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You can upload up to 250 documents at a time into AlphaSense and search them for insight.

Whether it is folders of historical research reports or a set of internally created documents that require analysis, there is no better way to quickly push content into AlphaSense.

To add content to AlphaSense:

  1. Click on the Integration button (cloud icon) in the left-hand panel of the platform window.

  2. Then, select Upload New Documents.

  3. A pop-up Upload Documents window will appear and ask you to attach the appropriate files. Simply browse your computer to select the documents you wish to upload.

  4. Once selected, you will have the option to add company tags and/or create custom tags to help classify any documents you upload.

To share the documents with colleagues:

  1. Tick the Share these docs box.

  2. Then, select the desired recipients by clicking on the Edit Recipients button.

To search across your content:

The documents you add are processed through our AI algorithms and are made available almost immediately and will be available for viewing on the My Content or Integrations page in AlphaSense. AlphaSense’s AI will automatically tag your documents and you will be able to search across internal content and apply AlphaSense’s AI search & discovery tools to a discrete set of documents for project-based work.

To quickly search across all of your internal content:

  1. Click the Integrations & Notes in source shortcuts

To search across uploaded documents only:

  1. Click More Sources in source shortcuts

  2. Select Integrations

  3. Hover over Uploads, then click Only

To differentiate your search between content owners,

  1. Select the My Content drop-down

  2. Choose Only Mine to search across only the content you've created

  3. Choose Shared with me to search across the content your teammates have shared with you.

To review our data security, data architecture, software, and more, login to AlphaSense and select the "Integrations" option from the left-hand side bar. From there, select "Security Guidelines".

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