Note: These searches can be used as is or can be modified to fit your needs; simply run the search and then edit as you see fit. We update our searches regularly, so be sure to check back for new and updated searches.
Broker Research of any CEO/CFO/CIO surveys
If do not have access to Broker Research, please inquire about your options with your Account Manager
News coverage of potential M&As
Current impacts of rising unemployment claims
Note: Substitute "March" for month/year of focus
Track companies falling in and out of the S&P 500
Identify seasonal updates
Note: Substitute "q2" and "q3" for quarter/date of interest
COVID-19 Related
Potential impact of any past or potential future COVID-19 variant
Latest in return to work strategies
Current and updates to shelter in place practices being exercised
Current and updates to WFH models and guidance
Major updates focused on the at home fitness industry
Updates to companies resuming guidance
Investment Priorities
Identify where customers or competitors are cutting costs, deprioritizing certain business segments, and reallocating capital expenditures.
NOTE: Filter with your ticker or watchlist to surface signals from the companies and industries you care most about.
Identify which business segments or growth initiatives a company is increasing investment in, and where they are allocating capital amidst budget reorganizations.
NOTE: Filter with your ticker or watchlist to surface signals from the companies and industries you care most about.
Identify specific projects or products for which a customer or key prospect is prioritizing investment and capital allocation.
NOTE: Filter with your ticker or watchlist to surface signals from the companies and industries you care most about.
Identify which companies in a given industry are increasing their spend on the products and services you sell, and which industries are likely to continue investing in your product categories.
NOTE: Filter with your ticker or watchlist to surface signals from the companies and industries you care most about.
Comprehensive list of headlines containing credit ratings
Impact and trend of drawing/revolving credit
Broker Research and News focused on the short squeeze impact and forecast
Impact and risks of food inflation
Note: Substitute "food" with topic of focus
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
Latest cryptocurrency headlines minus Bitcoin
Broker Research focused on cryptocurrency regulations and investigations
If do not have access to Broker Research, please inquire about your options with your Account Manager
Broker Research focused on rising cryptocurrencies
News related to sustainability efforts in the crypto space
Global Events
Impacts and potential outlooks from G7
Latest 5G headlines
Latest updates around the Google Antitrust lawsuit
Latest updates around the Dept of Justice Antitrust efforts against technology companies
Land & Energy
Broker Research and news focused on the Biden Administration's use of federal lands
Impacts of wildfires in California and other regions
Impact of the coal import ban