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Smart Summaries for Industries

Explore key themes, performance, and sentiment across entire industries with Smart Summaries for Industries

Mark Jones avatar
Written by Mark Jones
Updated over 12 months ago

Smart Summaries for Industries are a dashboard-style experience that allow you to explore key themes, earnings performance, and sentiment across an entire industry. These summaries are aggregated across companies, meaning you’re able to get a birds-eye view of what’s happening with all the major players in a given industry.

To access these summaries, search for any public company using our Company & Ticker search bar. On the Company Tearsheet, you will find Company Insights (generative AI-powered summaries of that company’s earnings performance, street talk, and expert opinions on strengths, weaknesses, and growth potential). At the top of that module, you can click the “Industry Summaries” button.

Leveraging Smart Summaries for Industries

Once in the Industry Summaries experience, you can use the portfolio monitor to toggle between industry-level summaries and individual company-level summaries. Adjusting your selection will automatically change the contents of the summary modules. If you’ve selected the industry as a whole, modules will summarize common topics, positives, negatives, and outlook from across all companies within that industry.

You can click into a bullet point from any of these modules to preview the various sources that our model used to create that particular summary. Most of these summaries will have multiple sources, because they are summarizing themes across multiple company earnings calls.

Additionally, you can adjust the timeframe from which these summaries are sourced. For the time being, we only provide summaries back to Q4 2023, but this will soon be expanded to at least a year of historical information.

Topic Summaries

The Smart Topics module–which you can think of as the new, improved, and generative AI-powered progression of our trending topics offering–gives you a birds-eye view of the most talked about themes across an entire industry, and provides easy access to bulleted summarizations of who and how they’re talking about it.

Select "View History" to open the Snippet Explorer for that topic, visualizing how that topic has been discussed historically in past calls.

Copy Summaries & Give Feedback

You can provide feedback on the summary by selecting the thumbs up/down icons (1), and copy the summary to your clipboard (2) to paste it to Notebook or external documentation.

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