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Private Company Profiles

This article provides an overview of the Private Company Profiles content set within AlphaSense

Keoni Baccus avatar
Written by Keoni Baccus
Updated over 11 months ago

What are Private Company Profiles?

Private company profiles are documents that include company metadata, financial statements and key financial data and ratios for 10M+ private companies located across EMEA and Japan.

Coverage includes companies based in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

What do Private Company Profiles contain?

Private company profiles contain a company overview, contact information, additional information, current directors, former directors, group structure, key financials, ratio analysis, income statement and balance sheet.

Tables for financial statements and key financial data/ratios are also extractable.

Why are Private Company Profiles beneficial?

Private company profiles provide access to company data & financials, so you don’t have blind spots in your due diligence.

With these profiles, you can access and export key financials, ratio analysis, income statements, and balance sheets. You can also leverage these profiles to garner insights on current and former board members of a private company and explore the parent and subsidiary hierarchy of a company.

How to find Private Company Profiles?

  1. Access the Sources menu and select “Private Company Profiles,” which can be found in the Company Docs section.

  2. You can filter the Private Company profiles by country or geography if you choose

  3. Then Click Search

Note: Use the company name of interest within the keyword search, not the company search. If you have specific keywords you are looking for, add them to the keyword search box

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