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October Releases

We launched some exciting new features - including a new content filter for patent news to sector specific content and more!

Fulvia Fernandez avatar
Written by Fulvia Fernandez
Updated over a week ago

Let us take a look at each of the releases:

Patent News

We are delighted to announce our newest addition to the “all sources” menu, patent news. Now users can easily filter for patent related news in AlphaSense with a single click.

Sector Specific Content

In our effort to continue to provide more high-value content from public company websites in AlphaSense, we've recently released a new batch of sector-specific content that is available to search across in-platform, including thousands of eBooks, product designs, R&D pipelines, fleet status reports, project plans, and much more. This release includes content from 100% of the S&P 500, 100% of the Nasdaq100, 100% of publicly-traded utility companies, and many more public companies across the health care, IT, energy, and industrial spaces.This content can be found via “Miscellaneous Company Publications” within the Other Company Publications section of AlphaSense’s source menu.

Related Searches

As we continue to improve the search experience, we’ve launched Related Searches to make research even easier for you. This powerful new feature recommends helpful searches given a prior search.

And it doesn’t end there, if you want to go deeper still, you can click ‘More’ to view all recommendations!

Talk to this Expert Button

Expert call transcripts from our Expert Transcript library now feature a Talk to this Expert button which allows users to request a 1:1 call with the expert featured in that transcript. Traditionally, accessing high-value, primary insights has been an extremely high-touch process largely exclusive to buy-side analysts. Using the Talk to this Expert button, users have the luxury of incorporating 1:1 calls into their current research workflows by first leveraging our AI technology to search across our existing library of transcripts, and then easily requesting a call with a given expert without ever leaving the platform.

If you’re already an AlphaSense customer interested in adding Expert Insights to your available content (and getting access to Call Services), you can request access now.

News & Regulatory Update

Our content team added a record number of 65 sources to the News & Regulatory collections during the month of October. This content was added across different categories, including general news, technology & communication and much more. Easily identify these new sources by clicking the “more sources” menu and looking for the new source notification.

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