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Search Library: Monitoring Turbulent Landscapes

How to effectively leverage AlphaSense when key markets are in disarray

Mark Jones avatar
Written by Mark Jones
Updated over 2 years ago

Regardless of the market environment, our first priority will always be to support you, with the help of AlphaSense. Our mission—to help businesses make decisions with confidence and speed—remains unchanged and is more critical now than ever before.

A core part of this mission is to ensure you easily stay on top of crucial market updates during turbulent and uncertain conditions. This also means helping you better understand situations and the impacts to the business landscape faster (particularly for areas you might be unfamiliar with).

  • Perspectives provided by broker research reports can help in understanding relative health and competitiveness of potential partners

  • Easy access to financials for publicly-traded companies, paired with tools like Table Explorer, can help users quickly find trends in a company's capital structure, profitability and operating efficiency

  • Expert transcripts can help provide a first-hand perspective on how organizations operate and where they may have advantages/deficiencies vs. their peer group

One key asset you can leverage is the Search Library, a collection of pre-built searches by AlphaSense that can be used to jumpstart your research, or find a niche search on a subject that might be new to you. We've pulled a few critical searches below and how they were used in key examples

  • Risk Management: Using AlphaSense help me stay ahead of market-moving situations

      • Note: Add your Company of interest to the Company & Ticker Search Bar

      • When viewing Major Filings, turn on Blacklining to potentially see when comfortable or risky language is added with regards to their ability to raise capital

      • Real-life example:

        • This search is used to identify risky language Silicon Valley Bank added in "their ability to generate capital on favorable terms"

      • Note: In the Keyword Search bar, add AND [COMPANY/EVENT OF INTEREST]

      • Real-life example:

        • This search was set up to track the discussion around where the regulators may look to make potential changes related to bank lending practices or exposure limitations in relation to the Silicon Valley Bank failure.

        • If you have a specific regulatory topic you're interested in monitoring re: potential regulation (ex., lending practices) , you could add it as a search term (ex. add "AND lending" to the search provided)

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