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Create Notes and Share Insights with Notebook+

Streamline your workflow and increase your efficiency as you conduct research, create notes and share valuable insights with Notebook+.

Keoni Baccus avatar
Written by Keoni Baccus
Updated over 4 months ago

Note: You may have see a different display and additional options for Notebook+. This indicates you have updated access to highlights, labels or other features.

Creating a Blank Note

  • Click the Notebook Icon in the left-hand side bar

  • Click "New"

  • Add a title and content to your note


  • Highlight a relevant portion of text within a document

  • Select the "Note" icon

  • Click "Create New Note"

Creating a Note from a Template

  • Click the down arrow next to the "+ New" Notebook Icon in the left-hand side-bar

  • Select "Templates" from the drop-down menu

  • Select the template you'd like to use by hovering over the preview image and selecting "Use Template"

  • Customize the content in your template

Managing your Templates

  • Click the down arrow next to the "+ New" Notebook Icon in the left-hand sidebar

  • Select "Manage Templates" from the drop-down menu

  • To create a new template:

    • Click "New Template" button in top right-hand corner

    • Select a template you want to use as a jumping-off point, or start from scratch using "Blank Template" option

    • When you're done customizing your template, click "Save" in upper-hand corner

    • New templates created will default as private for you, but you can share with colleagues by clicking the person icon and typing in recipient names with whom you wish to share this template

  • To manage a template:

    • You can only edit or delete a template in which you are the owner

    • To edit a template, hover over the template preview and select "Edit" to edit the content of the template. Make sure to save your changes.

    • To delete, hover over the template preview and select "Delete" and then confirm by clicking "Delete Forever".

    • To share a private template, click the person icon, switch the toggle on, and type in the recipient names with whom you wish to share this template. Tip: type in "Everyone" to allow all AlphaSense users in your organization to access this template.

Accessing Your Notes

To open your Notes, either:

  • Select the "Notebook" icon from the left-hand sidebar


  • Select "Notebook" from the upper right-hand corner when viewing a document

Formatting Your Notes

In Notebook+ you can now format your note to suit your desired style. Including the ability to choose your own heading size, you can also now edit your font type, size, color, and highlight color. You can stylize your text to be bold, italicized, underlined, or strickenthrough, and you can now remove the format from copied text. Notebook+ has also implemented multiple ways to format numbered and bulleted lists. Paired with the ability to insert dividers, block quotes, upload images, and insert tables and charts, formatting your notes and organizing your notes is now better than ever before.

Add Images to your Notes

You can bring any image (graphs, diagrams, slides, etc.) into your notes by copying (CTRL+C or right click > copy) and pasting (CTRL+V or right click > paste) the image into your note. You can also add screenshots directly into your notes as well should copying and pasting from various sources be unavailable.

Note: formatting will carry over on copy/paste from other sources outside of AlphaSense, including images.

For images in AlphaSense, screen-clip the image then paste it your notes.

  • Copy & paste shortcut > Windows users: windows + shift + S; Ctrl + V

  • Copy & paste shortcut > Mac users: Command + shift + 4; Command + V

You can also utilize the "Add Image to Note" functionality. This is where you can adding an image directly to a note via Image Search or from the image itself. This functionality also inserts a source citation below the image which links back to original document for future reference.

Add Smart Summaries to your Notes

To create deliverables faster, with embedded citations back to the source material, you can directly add any Smart Summary (from Search, Company, or Industry) to your notes.

  • Create earnings updates instantly by embedding Company Smart Summaries from transcripts and research into a note and sharing with your team.

  • Develop a perspective on a new industry in minutes by adding Industry Smart Summaries into Notebook and then adding your thinking.

  • Effortlessly add fully verifiable answers to your most pressing business questions to your notes using Search Summary.

  1. Start by selecting the “Share” icon at the bottom of a Smart Summary

  2. Mouse over “Add to Note…”

  3. Select an existing note, create a new note, or use the magnifying glass icon to search for a specific note.

View the note you added a Smart Summary to by selecting “View Note” which directly transfers you to the Notebook tab.

All bullets and citations from the Smart Summary are preserved in Notebook so you can seamlessly trace insights to their origins, as seen below.

Copy and Paste from OneNote to Notebook

You can seamlessly copy (CTRL+C or right click > copy) and paste (CTRL+V or right click > paste) text from any page in OneNote to Notebook for improved content aggregation and discoverability.

Note: Formatting will carry over on copy / paste.

Annotate Research Docs, Share Snippets, and Send Them to Your Notes

Starting from any document, you can send snippets of text to a note by selecting the text. Once the text has been selected, the following box will appear:

Using the prompts in this box, you can:

  1. Record and highlight your insights as you research using the color selector. Add an associated label to any color with one click.

  2. Comment on insights to review for yourself or your teammates via the chat icon.

  3. Send snippets of text from AlphaSense documents straight to your notes (the "document +" icon).

  4. Share the highlighted snippet link with your team or colleagues via the paper-link icon.

When searching in AlphaSense, you can filter your content based on highlight labels and colors under the "More Filters" section at the bottom of Vertical Filters:

Using the split view function, you can continue to conduct research in the platform and update the note as you find more important information or get new ideas. Select a snippet from the hits pane, then click "Add to Open Note" and the snippet will be pasted into the note.

Searching Your Notes

By using the Keyword and company search bars, you can quickly search for notes using the same smart synonym tech that drives our industry-leading search engine. In-notebook search bars also support boolean search operators, so you can search within your Notes with greater specificity.

Note: This is not just searching for the title of your notes but also any content within the note itself.

Filtering Your Notes

Shortcuts and filters help you keep notes organized by common themes, while filters allow you to quickly sort notes by key characteristics like date updated, tags used, author, and ownership.

Opening Attaching in Notes

You can directly open file attachments in Notebook without switching to search by simply clicking on a link or hyperlink in your note.

Share your Notes

You can also share notes with an individual or multiple recipients via share dialog and have notes automatically show in their notebooks. Additionally, you can allow other users to co-edit the document via Note Access.

Commenting on Notes

Teams can create comments within notes to drop suggestions and collaborate on their research deliverables. Users can reply to the comments for follow-up & discussion and notify users via an “@” mention on shared notes, regardless of edit permissions on the note.

To add comments:

  1. Highlight the desired section of the note

  2. Select the comment icon

  3. Add your comment and tag your desired teammate by typing "@" and selecting their name

Tagging your notes

Tagging is a wonderful way to organize your notes when collaborating. You can add/create a Team Tag (ex: M&ATEAM) and apply it to the note.

Note: Be aware that tags cannot contain spaces

Now, when running a search, you can select the "Any Tag" filter at the top or your screen and search your Team Tag to find all Notes tagged to your team.

You can also search for a tag directly within your notebook utilizing the tag filter.

Version History

You can quickly view previous versions of your note to see updates that have occurred from yourself and any co-editors as well as restore previous versions.

Organizing your Notes with Folders

With private folders, you can organize your notes and notes shared by others by subject, theme, project, or whatever method makes the most sense for you--quickly and easily.

To create a folder, select the "+" icon next to the Folders section of the sidebar menu and give it a name.

You can add shared or private notes to a folder by clicking "select folder"

To rename your folder, make a duplicate, or add a new note, hover over the folder name and clicking the three-dots

You can re-order folders by dragging and dropping within the sidebar

To manage your folders click the three dots to access the manage folder screen where you can create, reorder (by dragging folders), copy, hide, delete, and rename folders.

You can also copy folders with the copy folder option. Here you can copy existing folders. Or, create private copies of shared notes in bulk by copying folders for your own archival.

Lastly, you can declutter your old folders without having to manually reorganize your notes inside. With the Delete Folder option, you can consolidate your folder, delete your folder without losing notes, or delete your folders and your own notes inside.

Creating a Notebook Compliance Report

Compliance teams and portfolio managers can now obtain user activity records to meet compliance requirements and track internal content creation trends across their team.

Usage and integration reporting we currently support:

  1. Metadata reports - Includes content ID, title, creation date, last updated date, URL, note owner, shared users, shared groups, CUSIP, ISIN, tag, group tag, content type (email-in, file, typed note, etc), published state of note, and number of attachments (note & email-in).

  2. Content reports - Contains copies of note, files, and attachment that user has created in AlphaSense.

  3. End-of-day report summaries - Metadata report is embedded directly in the email.

To obtain a usage and integration report, please reach out to your account manager.

Notebook+ in the Mobile iOS app

Access and edit your notes from anywhere with the AlphaSense mobile app for iOS. You can easily search for, edit, share, and collaborate on notes all from the palm of your hand.

Offline mode ensures you always have access to your research insights, even when you're not connected to the internet. With the ability to read, create new notes, edit existing notes (including adding keyword tags), keyword search for notes, and export without an internet connection, you can remain productive at any time.

And with syncing capabilities, you can seamlessly transition between the offline and online versions of your notes.

Note: sharing, adding/searching for company tags within Notebook+ is not available in offline mode.

Want to learn more about Notebook+ on the Alpahsense iOS app? Click here.

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